[Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Maths]

Sew Electric

Given the easy availability of sew-able electric components these days I’m currently having a go at wearable electronics.

sew electric

This book Sew Electric by Leah Buechley is surprisingly good. The most simple and basic step by step instructions I’ve ever come across for combining electrical components. The instructions for sewing are very easy to follow also. Perfect for beginners. I had to buy it from Amazon.com to get it in the UK bit I think it was worth it.

If you just want to dip your toe in the first two tutorials from the book are available for free online from the books website here.

Book Blurb

“If you’re interested in interactive toys, smart accessories, or light-up fashions, this book is for you! Sew Electric is a set of LilyPad Arduino tutorials that brings together craft, electronics, and programming. The book walks you through the process of making a series of quirky customizable projects including a sparkling bracelet, a glow in the dark bookmark, a fabric piano, and a monster that sings when you hold its hands. Play with cutting-edge technologies and learn sewing, programming, and circuit design along the way. It’s a book for all ages and a great way to introduce girls to engineering. Explore the projects with your friends, your parents, your kids, or your students!”

To read more about the weird and wonderful things I decide to make go here.
To read more about my code and tech adventures go here.

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