[Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Maths]

Blythe Reroot

This one was a bit of a fudge. I used too much fibre for the top and front and had to throw out a lot as I went along. This ment that I didn’t have enough to do a full head. The back has very few plugs filled in an atempt to salvage the reroot as much as possible. Not my best work.

Things I learned from this Blythe reroot;

  • Masham locks are fluffier than expected so use less fibre per hair plug.
  • You get what your pay for – If your getting 2oz for less than 20 GBP then the chances are that it’s not going to be that high a quality. In fact you may even end up having to throw a lot of it out.
  • 13 to 15 inches in the fiber description does not mean an average of 13 to 15 inches – it means mostly 8 inches with two or three strands that are weirdly longer
  • In a pinch you can just about get away with not having enough fiber if you start at the front and top and leave the middle back for the very end. The success of this will depend on what hairstyles your aiming for.
  • If using a crochet hook to pull the hair through, get one with a wooden handle as the fiber can make your hands to greasy to comfortably use a metal handled hook.

Blythe Reroot

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